The Fabulous Shaker Boys
Cocktailshow, showmixing, flair bartending, catering, mobile and topic-related bars, mixing of real cocktails, cocktailwork-shops, barshow in front of and behind the bar or as a show on stage, spiced up with artistry, magic, juggling, comedy, fire and action. An international top act of first-rate.
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A crazy and unique comedy show with many international stars, and sent intelligently staged and with quick costume changes, original transformations spectacular comedy, gags, charm and well-known hits together a fantastic show act.
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Live TV
The extraordinary surprise of the year. A show in a unique style that you have never seen before. Let yourself be fascinated and captivated.
What it is about? We tell you yet. Please visit this site click at the pictures.
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Action theater Total Vital
Artistry, juggling, acting, magic, pantomime, slapstick, animation, topic-specific product promotions, walk-around theatre and comedy. Ranging from comical to serious, close-up, among the audience or as a show on stage, classical or as various characters. A firework of entertainment.
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